Injuries due to manual handling account for 33% of all accidents reported to the Health and Safety Authority.
The TMC Manual Handling course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge to conduct all manual handling activities in a manner that will prevent injury. This is necessary in order to work towards preventing musculoskeletal injuries at work and reducing exposure to high financial costs including compensation claims. The course deals with informing participants on the consequences of lifting incorrectly, because if persons understand the consequences of incorrect lifting they will pay more attention to lifting correctly.
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Perform specific Manual Handling tasks competently to a recognised standard.
- Complete essential risk assessment prior to completing manual handling tasks.
- Identify Ergonomic factors associated with their work activities.
- Complete a series of exercises designed to improve strength, endurance and flexibility, the key components of physical fitness.
All trainees who successfully complete the course will receive the relevant certification.
Duration: 1/2 day
Max of: 12 Trainees